Based on the diffusion layer, variation and convective diffusion, the models were able to clearly predict the dissolution rates. However, the model for particles needed to be improved. 模型以扩散层概念和变化为基础,加入对流的影响,可清楚地描述溶出数据,但粒子溶出模型需要改进。
The basic characteristics of gas convective diffusion of underground coal gasification ( UCG) are studied. 研究了煤炭地下气化气体对流扩散的基本特征。
The steady state convective diffusion equations of EC_1 and EC_2 reac-tions in the channel electrode located in ESR cavity are solved by the implicit finite difference numerical method. 用隐式差分法解了EC1和EC2反应在流动池的电化学现场ESR测量中的稳态对流扩散方程。
Numerical simulation of exhaust gas convective diffusion from a tunnel portal 隧道峒口废气对流扩散的数值研究
Perturbational finite volume method for convective diffusion equation and discussion 对流扩散方程的摄动有限体积(PFV)方法及讨论
A fourth-order dissipation exponent-type scheme of one-sided approximation for solving convective diffusion equations 解对流扩散方程的四阶耗散的单侧逼近指数型格式
In arbitrary curve coordinates flux difference splitting upwind differential scheme are adopted to discrete the convective term and second order central differential scheme are applied to discrete the diffusion term. 对一般曲线坐标系下的流动控制方程采用了通量差分分裂上风差分格式和二阶中心差分格式离散。
An Analytical Transformation of 1-D Convective Diffusion Equation and Its Finite Element Solution 一维对流扩散方程的迎风变换及其有限元解
The scheme has second order accuracy for convective term and first order accuracy for diffusive term, which completely coincides with the character of strong convection and weak diffusion for convection-dominated diffusion problems. 该格式对对流项具有二阶精度,对扩散项保持一阶精度,符合对流占优扩散问题强对流、弱扩散的特点。
To calculate the unsteady response to these disturbances, the Lagrangian vortex method is used to capture the convective process of the disturbance vortex. The deterministic vortex scheme is adopted to approximate the viscous diffusion process. 为计算叶片对扰动场的响应过程,采用拉格朗日方法追踪扰动涡团的对流流动过程,用确定性涡方法来描述流体的粘性扩散过程。
Based on the theory of convective diffusion, the theoretical equation for interwell tracer production concentration is derived by the stream tube method. 以对流扩散理论为基础,利用流管法导出了井间示踪剂产出浓度的理论公式。
An analytical transformation with corresponding finite difference method of the convective diffusion equation into a diffusion equation coupled with a so-called upwind convection function is proposed in this paper. 本文提出所谓迎风变换,将对流扩散方程分解为对流迎风函数和扩散方程,并构造相应的有限差分格式。
Measurement of convective diffusion coefficients of co_2-normal octane and normal tetradecane system 二氧化碳在正辛烷、正十四烷中对流扩散系数的测定
A transformation of the convective diffusion equation with corresponding finite difference method 对流扩散方程的迎风变换及相应有限差分方法
Generalized Difference Methods for One-dimensional Unsteady Convective Diffusion Equation 非定常一维对流扩散方程的广义差分法
Fields of convective boundary layer from a large-eddy simulation model are used for modeling on relative diffusion by random walk simulation method. 采用大涡模拟方法获得对流边界层中的湍流运动场及其时间变化,在这些场中以随机游走方法模拟被动粒子的扩散行为,了解烟团在对流边界层中的扩散路径和相对扩散速率。
Mathematical Model of Three Dimensional Unsteady Convective Diffusion in Underground Coal Gasification 煤炭地下气化三维非稳定对流扩散的数学模型
Convective diffusion of driving gases in reservoir fluids(ⅰ) 驱替气体在油藏流体中的对流扩散(Ⅰ)
And the Lagrange description of the method is completely, there is no value for the formation of convective diffusion. 而且该方法属于完全Lagrange描述,不存在因对流而形成的数值扩散。